- E. Dedu, M. Asghari. Ray Tracing Routing Using Packet Reception Timing in Dense Nanonetworks. Computer Networks, 2024. Code to reproduce the results.
- C. Al Mawla, E. Dedu. Network Parameter Influence on Communications in Dense Wireless Nanonetworks. NanoCom, Milan, Italy, 2024. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- F. Hoteit, E. Dedu, D. Dhoutaut, W. Seah. 3D dynamic ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense nanonetworks. Nano Communication Networks, 2024. Code to reproduce the results.
- C. Al Mawla, E. Dedu, D. Dhoutaut, K. Beydoun. EIDA, a Best Effort Equitable Distributed id Assignment Mechanism for Heterogeneous Dense Nanonetworks. NanoCom, Coventry, UK, 2023. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- C. Al Mawla, E. Dedu, K. Beydoun, D. Dhoutaut. FR-SLR, forwarder reduction in SLR routing protocol through zone splitting. IWCMC, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2023. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- E. Dedu, M. Asghari. Time-Based Ray Tracing Forwarding in Dense Nanonetworks. AINA, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2023. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- F. Hoteit, E. Dedu, W. Seah, D. Dhoutaut. Influence of beta and source packet rate on electromagnetic nanocommunications. ICPADS, Nanjing, China, 2023. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- F. Hoteit, D. Dhoutaut, W. Seah, E. Dedu. Dynamic ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense nanonetworks. NanoCom, Barcelona, Spain, 2022. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- F. Hoteit, D. Dhoutaut, W. Seah, E. Dedu. Expanded ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense nanonetworks. IWCMC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022. Slides and slides with video (26 MB). Code to reproduce the results.
- A. Medlej, E. Dedu, D. Dhoutaut, K. Beydoun. Efficient Retransmission Algorithm for Ensuring Packet Delivery to Sleeping Destination Node. AINA, online (Sydney, Australia), 2022. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- F. Hoteit, E. Dedu, W. Seah, D. Dhoutaut. Ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense networks. WCNC, Austin, TX, USA, 2022. Slides and slides with video (262 MB). Code to reproduce the results.
- A. Medlej, E. Dedu, K. Beydoun, D. Dhoutaut. Self-configuring asynchronous sleeping in heterogeneous networks. ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, 2021. Code to reproduce the results.
- A. Medlej, K. Beydoun, E. Dedu, D. Dhoutaut. Scaling up Routing in Nanonetworks with Asynchronous Node Sleeping. SoftCOM, Hvar, Croatia, 2020. Slides and slides with video (16 MB). Code to reproduce the results.
- T. Arrabal, F. Büther, D. Dhoutaut, E. Dedu. Congestion Control by Deviation Routing in Electromagnetic Nanonetworks. NanoCom, Dublin, Ireland, 2019. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- T. Arrabal, D. Dhoutaut, E. Dedu. Efficient multi-hop broadcasting in dense nanonetworks. NCA, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Slides.
- D. Dhoutaut, T. Arrabal, E. Dedu. BitSimulator, an electromagnetic nanonetworks simulator. NanoCom, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2018. Slides.
- T. Arrabal, D. Dhoutaut, E. Dedu. Efficient Density Estimation Algorithm for Ultra Dense Wireless Networks. ICCCN, Hangzhou, China, 2018. Slides.
- A. Tsioliaridou, C. Liaskos, E. Dedu, S. Ioannidis. Packet routing in 3D nanonetworks: A lightweight, linear-path scheme. Nano Communication Networks, 2017.
- M. A. Zainuddin, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Simple and energy efficient image compression for pulse-based communication in THz band. AINA, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. Slides.
- M. A. Zainuddin, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. SBN: Simple Block Nanocode for nanocommunications. NanoCom, New York City, NY, USA, 2016. Erratum. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- A. Tsioliaridou, C. Liaskos, E. Dedu, S. Ioannidis. Stateless Linear-path Routing for 3D Nanonetworks. Nanocom, New York City, NY, USA, 2016. Slides.
- M. A. Zainuddin, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Low-Weight Code Comparison for Electromagnetic Wireless Nanocommunication. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016. Reviews 1, Answer 1, Reviews 2.
- M. A. Zainuddin, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. The Effects of Nanosensors Movements on Nanocommunications. NanoCom, Boston, MA, USA, 2015. Slides. Reviews.
- M. A. Zainuddin, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Nanonetwork Minimum Energy coding. UIC, Bali, Indonesia, 2014. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois, M. A. Zainuddin. A first study on video transmission over a nanowireless network. NanoCom, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2014. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.
- H. Mabed, E. Dedu. Short and long term optimization for micro-object conveying with air-jet modular distributed system. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2020.
- H. Skima, C. Varnier, E. Dedu, K. Medjaher, J. Bourgeois. Post-Prognostics Decision Making in Distributed MEMS-Based Systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019.
- H. Mabed, E. Dedu, H. Skima. Multicriteria Optimization in Distributed Micro-Conveying Platform. SAC, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2017.
- H. Skima, K. Medjaher, C. Varnier, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. A Hybrid Prognostics Approach for MEMS: from Real Measurements to Remaining Useful Life Estimation. Microelectronics Reliability, 2016. Reviews 1, Answer 1, Reviews 2.
- H. Skima, K. Medjaher, C. Varnier, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois, N. Zerhouni. Fault Prognostics of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Using Particle Filtering. AMEST, Biarritz, France, 2016. Reviews.
- H. Skima, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois, C. Varnier, K. Medjaher. Optimal Path Evolution in a Dynamic Distributed MEMS-Based Conveyor. DepCoS-RELCOMEX, Brunów, Poland, 2016. Slides. Reviews. Code to reproduce the results.
- H. Skima, K. Medjaher, C. Varnier, N. Zerhouni, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Accelerated Lifetime Tests and Failure Analysis of an Electro-thermally Actuated MEMS Valve. ICM, Casablanca, Morocco, 2015. Slides. Reviews.
- H. Skima, K. Medjaher, C. Varnier, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Hybrid Prognostic Approach for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems. Aerospace, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2015. Slides.
- J. Bourgeois, J. Cao, M. Raynal, D. Dhoutaut, B. Piranda, E. Dedu, A. Mostefaoui, H. Mabed. Coordination and Computation in distributed intelligent MEMS. AINA, Barcelona, Spain, 2013. Slides.
- D. El Baz, V. Boyer, J. Bourgeois, E. Dedu, K. Boutoustous. Distributed Part Differentiation in a Smart Surface. Mechatronics, 2012.
- A. Habibi, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois, G. J. Laurent, N. Le Fort-Piat. Distributed Pneumatic MEMS for Fast Conveyance of Fragile Objects. JRWRTC workshop, joint to RTNS, Pont-à-Mousson, France, 2012. Poster. Slides.
- A. Sato, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois, R. Huang. Tree-structured knowledge in a distributed intelligent MEMS application. dMEMS, Besançon, France, 2012. Slides.
- E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois, K. Boutoustous. Simulation to help calibration of a MEMS sensor network. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2010.
- K. Boutoustous, G. J. Laurent, E. Dedu, L. Matignon, J. Bourgeois, N. Le Fort-Piat. Distributed control architecture for smart surfaces. IROS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010. Slides.
- D. El Baz, V. Boyer, J. Bourgeois, E. Dedu, K. Boutoustous. Distributed Discrete State Acquisition and Concurrent Pattern Recognition in a MEMS-based Smart Surface. dMEMS, Besançon, France, 2010. Slides.
- K. Boutoustous, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. A Framework to Calibrate a MEMS Sensor Network. UIC, Brisbane, Australia, 2009. Slides.
- K. Boutoustous, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. An exhaustive comparison framework for distributed shape differentiation in a MEMS sensor actuator array. ISPDC, Kraków, Poland, 2008. LNCS 5585. Poster.
- C. Ben Ameur, E. Mory, B. Cousin, E. Dedu. Performance Evaluation of TcpHas: TCP for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. Multimedia Systems, 2018.
- C. Ben Ameur, E. Mory, B. Cousin, E. Dedu. TcpHas: TCP for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. ICC, Paris, France, 2017. Slides.
- E. Dedu, W. Ramadan, J. Bourgeois. A taxonomy of the parameters used by decision methods for adaptive video transmission. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015.
- S. Linck, E. Mory, J. Bourgeois, E. Dedu, F. Spies. Adaptive multimedia streaming using a simulation test bed. Journal of Computational Science, 2014.
- W. Ramadan, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Oscillation-free video adaptation at application layer on server side and experiments using DCCP. The Computer Journal, 2014.
- W. Ramadan, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Avoiding quality oscillations during adaptive streaming of video. International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC), 2011.
- W. Ramadan, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. Avoiding zigzag quality switching in real content adaptive video streaming. DICTAP, Dijon, France, 2011. CCIS 167. Slides.
- W. Ramadan, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. VAAL, Video Adaptation at Application Layer and
Experiments using DCCP. WPMC, Recife, Brazil, 2010. Slides.
- S. Linck, E. Mory, J. Bourgeois, E. Dedu, F. Spies. Video quality estimation of DCCP over wireless networks. PDP, Montbéliard, France, 2006. Slides.
- W. Ramadan, E. Dedu, D. Dhoutaut, J. Bourgeois. RELD, RTT ECN Loss Differentiation to optimize the performance of transport protocols on wireless networks. Telecommunication Systems, 2013.
- E. Dedu, G. Bise, J. Bourgeois. An analysis of congestion controls in centralized control systems. NetGCooP, Avignon, France, 2012. Slides.
- W. Ramadan, E. Dedu, J. Bourgeois. EcnLD, ECN Loss Differentiation to optimize the
performance of transport protocols on wireless networks. ICUMT, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2009. Slides.
- E. Dedu, E. Lochin. A Study on the Benefit of TCP Packet Prioritisation. PDP, Weimar, Germany, 2009. Slides.
- S. Linck, E. Dedu, F. Spies. Distance-Dependent RED Policy (DDRED). ICN, Sainte-Luce, Martinique, 2007. Slides.
- E. Dedu, S. Linck, F. Spies. Removing the MAC retransmission times from the RTT in TCP. Euromedia, Toulouse, France, 2005. Slides. Code to reproduce the results.