./configure && make
.make install
or add BitSimulator in the executable path.BitSimulator
executable is). Then, run "patch -p1 <diff.patch"
."mkdir FM-SLR;"
and "cd FM-SLR;"
."sudo make install"
in this BitSimulator folder location"bitsimulator"
in the FM-SLR folder containing the scenarios "visualtracer"
after bitsimulator
command Figure 1 can be reproduced with the following command, followed by pressing a space
visualtracer --initialTimeSkip 100000000
for figure 1a
visualtracer --initialTimeSkip 899640000
for figure 1b
Figure 2 can be reproduced using
visualtracer --initialTimeSkip 899640000 -s 10000000000
before applying the patch for figure 2a
visualtracer --initialTimeSkip 899640000 -s 10000000000
after applying the patch for figure 2b
Figure 3 can be reproduced using visualtracer
Table 2 EIDA assignment can be reproduced using the addition of two phase (ideal+random) using scenario.xml
bitsimulator 2>&1 | grep "sending packet holding id: 0" | wc -l
" to count the number of node in group 0 of the first phase (ideal assignment).bitsimulator 2>&1 | grep "choose id based on the random backoff: 0" | wc -l
" to count the number of node in group 0 of the second phase (random assignment).Table 5 uses the results of FM-SLR simulation using the commands
bitsimulator 2>&1 | grep "host Coordinate: 25 , 28" | wc -l
" to count the forwarder number in zone 25,28.bitsimulator 2>&1 | grep "host Coordinate: 35 , 26" | wc -l
Table 6
Number of packets sent uses the results of different routing protocols simulation
bitsimulator --routing PureFloodingRouting --prefix pureflooding
visualtracer --prefix pureflooding -s 100000000000
bitsimulator --routing ProbaFloodingRouting --probability .04 --prefix probaflooding
visualtracer --prefix probaflooding -s 100000000000
bitsimulator --routing BackoffFloodingRouting --prefix backoffflooding
visualtracer --prefix backoffflooding -s 100000000000
before applying the patchvisualtracer --initialTimeSkip 1000000000000 -s 10000000000
after applying the patchvisualtracer --initialTimeSkip 1000000000000 -s 10000000000
Scenario_slrcounter.xml is used with the following command:
bitsimulator scenario_slrcounter.xml
visualtracer scenario_slrcounter.xml --initialTimeSkip 1000000000000 -s 100000000000
"grep '^0 [0-9]* 2 [0-9 ]* 43' pureflooding-events.log"
produces the event where the source sent the packet: 0 1000009901438 2 2 1000 100 0 555 0 0 -1 -1 -1"grep '^1 [0-9] 3 [0-9 ] 43' pureflooding-events.log"
produces the events where the destination receives the packet. Since the destination receives the packet several times, only the first line (first time the destination receive the packet) is taked into consideration: 1 1000168336747 3 15419 1000 100 555 0 0 -1 -1 -1"grep '^0 [0-9]* 2 [0-9 ]* 43' probabilisticflooding-events.log"
for the sent event"grep '^1 [0-9] 3 [0-9 ] 43' probabilisticflooding-events.log"
for the reception event"grep '^0 [0-9]* 2 [0-9 ]* 43' backoffflooding-events.log"
for the sent event"grep '^1 [0-9] 3 [0-9 ] 43' backoffflooding-events.log"
for the reception event"grep '^0 [0-9]* 2 [0-9 ]* 43' slrcounter-events.log"
for the sent event"grep '^1 [0-9] 3 [0-9 ] 43' slrcounter-events.log"
for the reception event"grep '^0 [0-9]* 2 [0-9 ]* 43' events.log"
for the sent event"grep '^1 [0-9] 3 [0-9 ] 43' events.log"
for the reception event