Full reproducibility information on the results of "FM-SLR, Forwarder minimization in SLR routing protocol using EIDA mechanism", IWCMC 2023
Authors: Carole Al Mawla, Eugen Dedu, Kamal Beydoun, Dominique Dhoutaut


In ultra-dense networks, traffic demand is always increasing. That’s why the routing protocol consumes a lot of energy and allocates a lot of resources. Thus, an enhancement is needed to separate network nodes into several groups to minimize the reforwarding within the flows (splitting the forwarder). We propose FM-SLR, an enhanced routing protocol of SLR. It minimizes the number of forwarders in each zone by dividing the nodes into groups and allowing only one group of nodes to reforward the packet in each zone. FM-SLR uses an id assignment mechanism to split the nodes into several groups. An example of such a mechanism is EIDA, a distributed mechanism, to assign ids in a best-effort equitable manner. It is a combination of ideal and random assignments: some nodes assign their id using packet exchanges until some minimum guarantee is fulfilled, and the remaining nodes assign it randomly, without further communication. Simulations on an ultra-dense nanonetwork show the effectiveness of the proposed routing protocol in minimizing the number of traffic forwarders using EIDA.

Simulator installation:

Download BitSimulator, then: Apply the patch:

Scenario files:

Run visualtracer:

Image reproduction:

Figure 1 can be reproduced with the following command, followed by pressing a space

Figure 2 can be reproduced using

Figure 3 can be reproduced using visualtracer command

Table reproduction:

Table 2 EIDA assignment can be reproduced using the addition of two phase (ideal+random) using scenario.xml

Table 5 uses the results of FM-SLR simulation using the commands

Table 6 Number of packets sent uses the results of different routing protocols simulation

Scenario.xml is used with the following commands:

Scenario_slrcounter.xml is used with the following command:

Table 6 Simulation time is calculated using the event file of each simulation

Carole Al Mawla Page written by Carole Al Mawla
