Influence of beta and source packet rate on electromagnetic nanocommunication, published at IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS) 2022

This page shows the code to reproduce the results of the article, available at this page. Note that if you use g++ version 11 (which changed uniform_int_distribution) or later, or another compiler, the results are not 100% the same.

The simulation uses BitSimulator. You need to download and compile it. This is version 0.9.5+ with added source code implementing the rings and SLR with RD TS-OOK.

Download and scenario.xml into the BitSimulator directory (where the bitsimulator executable is).

Change to the bitsimulator directory and run from it using this command: ./ This takes some time (about 3 hours on my laptop), and requires around 15 GB of free storage.

You will then find all the results in congestion/results.txt of these tables:

You should get these results.

Figure 3 ("Scenario with beta= 1000") and Figure 4 ("Scenario with beta= 100") are the first packet of each flow in VisualTracer. The command used is: ./visualtracer -D congestion -s 100000000000 (the source inter-packet interval is 100000000000 fs = 100000 ns).

Information about the files:
Page written by Farah Hoteit