Full reproducibility information on the results of "Ray Tracing Routing Using Packet Reception Timing in Dense Nanonetworks" article, published in Computer Networks 2024

Simulator installation (GNU/Linux or macOS): Download this version of BitSimulator (which is BitSimulator at commit af12262 from 21 12 2023) and compile using classical ./configure && make. Execute make install, or alternatively add bitsimulator and visualtracer in the executable path.

Scenario files: Execute the following commands: mkdir raytracing; cd raytracing. In this empty directory add the following files: scenario.xml, scenario-heterogeneous.xml, scenario-slrcounter.xml, and scenario-3d.xml.

Reproducibility information: The execution of all the commands below is very fast on my laptop.

Fig. 2 uses the basic ray tracing algorithm and the basic scenario (see basic algorithm), with the following command:
bitsimulator --backoffRNGSeed 12 && visualtracer -s 1000000000000

Fig. 3 uses the basic ray tracing algorithm, and the basic scenario (see basic algorithm), with the following command:
bitsimulator --genericNodesCount 2000 && visualtracer
press SPACE 5 times for left figure, and once again for right figure; also, some nodes have been manually removed for illustration purposes.

Fig. 6, 7, 8, and 9 (the algorithm) are obtained from src/agents/raytracing-routing-agent.cpp file.

Tab. 1 data comes from the scenario.xml file.

Output lines in sec. 4.2.2 are obtained using these commands:

Fig. 13 is obtained by modifying raytracing-routing-agent.cpp as follows: instead of distrib(0, 100000) use distrib(0, 0), afterwards execute:
bitsimulator --genericNodesCount 100000 && visualtracer -s 20000000
and press c.

Fig. 14 is obtained with:

Fig. 15 has five images, obtained like this:

Tab. 2 data is obtained by copying the number shown at "forwarded packets" of each of the above executions of visualtracer.

Fig. 17 is obtained by removing from raytracing-routing-agent.cpp the code on 1/3r limitation, afterwards execute:
bitsimulator && visualtracer -s 100000000000000

Fig. 18 is obtained with:
bitsimulator --backoffRNGSeed 2 --scenarioFile scenario-heterogeneous.xml && visualtracer -s 1000000000000000

Fig. 19 is obtained by doubling the number of nodes and the width, and executing:
bitsimulator && visualtracer -s 1000000000000000

Fig. 20 is obtained with:
bitsimulator scenario-3d.xml && visualtracer --3d -s 1000000000000000
and rotating the environment.

Page written by Eugen Dedu, 12/2023.