Full reproducibility information on the results of "Time-based ray tracing forwarding in dense nanonetworks" article, published at AINA 2023

Simulator installation (GNU/Linux or macOS): Download this version of BitSimulator (which is BitSimulator at commit 8f35724 from 23 11 2022) and compile using classical ./configure && make. Execute make install or add bitsimulator in the executable path.

Scenario files: Execute the following commands: mkdir raytracing; cd raytracing. In this empty directory add the following files: scenario.xml, scenario-slr.xml, and scenario-slrcounter.xml.

Reproducibility information: Note that the execution of all the commands below takes 1 minute on my laptop, and uses 423 MB of storage for log files.

Fig. 3 (the algorithm) comes from src/agents/raytracing-routing-agent.cpp file.

Tab. 1 data comes from the scenario.xml file.

Fig. 4 is obtained using this command:
bitsimulator; visualtracer -s 100000000000

Fig. 5 has four images, obtained like this:

Fig. 6 has three images, obtained like this:

Tab. 2 data is obtained by copying the number shown at right of the histograms of forwards (blue) and receptions (green) of each of the above executions of visualtracer.

Page written by Eugen Dedu, 11/2022.