The simulation uses BitSimulator version 0.9.4. You need to download and compile it.
Extract the contents of retransmission.7z into the BitSimulator directory (where the bitsimulator
executable is). Then, run
. This will not take a lot of space since the bitsimulator files will be deleted after each simulation run.
executes the simulator for the same scenario over different awakenDuration. The results are written to retransmit.txt
in the respective subdirectory, except for the multi-ret where the number of participating nodes will be found in participated.txt.
is a helper awk script to extract the results from the log files produced by BitSimulator.
uses it, it is not useful on its own.
describes the scenario to be executed (for one packet flow and multi-packet flows). It exists in 2 variants in the respective subdirectories.
Figures reproducing scripts can be found in the plots folder. We have uses the gnuplot software to illustrate the figures. To reproduce the figures, run this command in a terminal in the plots directory: gnuplot file_name.gnuplot
Page written by Ali Medlej.