Logical and Mathematical Problems
This page presents some of the problems I found very nice. I
like problems with a (very) short, but difficult to find
solution. I solved all these problems, except those where
specified. I am not the author of any of the problems shown
here. The authors written are the persons who told me about
that problem, not necessary the author of the problem.
- Logical problems
- Mathematical problems
Logical Problems
Here are my two favourite logical
John or George?
100 soldiers form a 10*10 square. From every column the tallest
soldier is chosen, and from these 10 soldiers, the shortest is
chosen. Let John be his name. In the same position than the
beginning, from every line the shortest soldier is chosen, and from
these 10 soldiers, the tallest is chosen. Let George be his name.
Who do you think is taller: John or George?
Romanian version:
Ion sau Gheorghe?
100 de soldati sunt asezati într-un careu 10*10. De pe
fiecare coloanã se considerã cel mai înalt
soldat, iar dintre acestia 10 cel mai scund. Fie numele acestuia
Ion. De pe fiecare linie se considerã cel mai scund soldat,
iar dintre acestia 10 cel mai înalt. Fie numele acestuia
Gheorghe. Care credeti cã este mai înalt: Ion sau
The Equator
Suppose surrounding the Equator (supposed circular) with a thread,
so that the thread length is equal to the Equator length. Cut the
thread in a point and add to the thread 1 metre. Raise up the
thread constantly. What do you think, can a cat pass under the
thread ?
Romanian version:
Se infãsoarã Pãmântul la Ecuator
cu o atã (presupunem Ecuatorul circular), astfel cã
lungimea atei va fi exact lungimea Ecuatorului. Se taie ata
într-un loc si i se adaugã 1 metru. Se ridicã
ata în mod constant (la aceeasi înãltime)
fatã de Ecuator. Ce credeti, pe sub atã va putea
trece o pisicã?
The Three Children
- How old are your children?
- The product of their ages is 36.
- But their sum?
- It is equal to the number of our neighbour's house.
- I need one more information!
-The eldest child plays at piano.
Romanian version:
Cei 3 copii
- Ce vârstã au cei trei copii ai
- Produsul acestor vârste este egal cu 36.
- Dar suma?
- Este egalã cu numãrul de la casa
- Mai am nevoie de o informatie!
- Copilul cel mai mare cânta la pian.
Sursa: Solomon Marcus - "Controverse in stiintã si
Square fill 1
What do you think, can the table below (10*10 squares, but without
the two corners) be filled completely with non-superposed 2*1
pieces (shown at the right at the image)?
Square fill 2
What do you think, can the table below (2n*2n
squares, but without the one corner square) be filled completely
with non-superposed pieces shown at the right at the image?
Divide the following figure in four congruent (equal, identical)
The mirror
Why does the mirror reverse the left-right direction and not
another direction?
I didn't solve this problem.
Romanian version:
De ce oglinda inverseazã stânga-dreapta si nu
altã directie ?
Sursa: Dragos Apostol
The torus
Suppose an empty torus. Make a little hole on its surface. What do
you think, can the torus be reversed by this hole?
I didn't solve this problem.
Romanian version:
Presupunem un tor (covrig) gol pe dinãuntru. Se
înteapã torul într-un punct oarecare. Ce
pãrere aveti, se va putea întoarce torul pe dos prin
aceastã gaurã?
si alte probleme de logicã"
The bridge
Three people (A, B, and C) need to cross a bridge. A can cross the
bridge in 10 minutes, B can cross in 5 minutes, and C can cross in
2 minutes. There is also a bicycle available and any person can
cross the bridge in 1 minute with the bicycle. What is the shortest
time that all men can get across the bridge? Each man travels at
their own constant rate.
I didn't solve this problem.
Sursa: Constantin Colescas
Mathematical Problems
Click here to see a nice graphical
Doua poligoane se numesc la fel structurate daca pot
fi impartite
in poligoane respectiv congruente. Atunci oricare doua poligoane
care au aceeasi arie sunt la fel structurate.
I didn't solve this problem.
Choose a positive integer. If it is even, halve it. If it is
odd, triple it and add 1. Prove that repeating this procedure you
will eventually arrive at 1. It seems that this problem has not yet
been solved.
I didn't solve this problem. Nobody solved
until now.
Find all the solutions in N for the following
2x - 13 = 3y
Sursa: Gabriel Simion
Prove that any odd number n which is not divisible by 5,
divides a number of the form 111...111.
Sursa: Michel Barret
Find the minim surface which may contain any curve of a given
I didn't solve this problem.
Sursa: Olivier Buffet
What's the intersection between a cone and an oblique plan?
The Path Problem
Show that a path on an m by n square grid which
starts at the north-west corner, goes through each point exactly
once and ends at the south-east corner divides the grid into two
equal halves:
(a) those regions opening north or east;
(b) those regions opening south or west.
I didn't solve this problem.
Proposed by David Ficher, Karen Collins & Lucia Krompart
in "The American Mathematical Monthly", Volume 101, Number
8/October 1994
Written by Eugen Dedu