Maître de conférences HDR (associate professor with habilitation) in Montbéliard, France
Research: FEMTO-ST institute, DISC department, OMNI team (Optimisation, Mobility, Networking)
Teaching: Université Marie et Louis Pasteur, IUT Nord Franche-Comté, R&T department (Networks & Telecommunications)
Address: Numérica, cours Leprince-Ringuet, 25200 Montbéliard, France
Je développe DOM, une application Web intuitive et facile à utiliser pour la dématérialisation des ordres de mission à l'université. Elle permet, entre autres, la signature en 1 clic, comptes LDAP/CAS et la notification automatique lors des signatures. Il est utilisé par 1200 permanents de mon université depuis 10/2019. Licence CeCILL.
I have been involved in Ekiga project, a leader free software for videoconferencing (equivalent of Skype and google Talk). I have not implemented new features, but I have done bug fixing and been the developer responsible for testing, user support, release management, documentation (wiki site). Some obsolete links: wiki documentation, source code repository.
I have been debian maintainer, having maintained ekiga and the two related packages: ptlib and opal.